Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Pilot Pen Cyber winner

The great thing about Cannes (even if you haven't been...) is that you get to enjoy the incredible work, from TV to Digital, Radio to Print. This is the kind of work we want to be inspiring to so if you can, get yourself on to the Cannes site and watch some of the video entries - the videos don't stay online for long and there's some cracking work on there.

We'd like to book in a few internal and client sessions to showcase some of the best in class from the festival, but in the meantime it's worth showcasing some of our personal favourites over the coming weeks, to whet the appetite.

I just love the personalisation and creativity in this piece from Pilot Pen. The case study tells the full story.

Cheers Nic


  1. Clever. And interesting how it's another digital expression of nostalgia for pre-digital forms of communication. Makes me think of those laptops you can get with a wooden casing (i think it's the ASUS Ecobook) - or the fact that there's such a big market for ugly crocheted ipod cases (more than ten thousand varieties are listed on etsy.com - i just looked.) It's like the more digital we get, the more wistful we get for analogue. Clever how Pilot tapped into this insight...
    - deb

  2. Good call Deb, we are hanging on to a more personalised past by a thread... Given the sales of Kindle, Ipad and other book readers it'll be interesting to see how book usage / sales change in the coming years. However good a screen is for reading, it's hard to replace the tactile emotion a book can offer. Thanks for commenting. Nic
