Yes I know this Facebook stuff can get a little boring sometimes, but put that to one side for a moment and look at the graph below. Facebook has now reached 350m users worldwide.
It is the speed at the growth that is particularly staggering about this figure, they have scooped up 200m new users worldwide in 11 months. That is a phenomenal 600,000 signing up A DAY.
There is, as ever another side of the argument, as many observers claim it is hard, almost impossible to leave Facebook, and that actual unique visitors isn't a patch on the 350m number, but you wouldn't expect it to be. And 130m unique daily visitors isn't half bad is it? Further to this, Australia has now topped 8m active accounts, more than half the internet population.
And there is little sign of this abating in the coming months. All more fuel that us creative and media agencies need to better equip ourselves to integrate Facebook (and other social channels) in to our thinking.

I think it's almost cooler NOT to be on Facebook these days...