Australians are getting mobile in more ways than one. This year we’ll see an even bigger increase in smart phones and a wider choice of tablet devices at lower price points. With an increasing number of customers getting mobile they will be expecting location based information and deals and richer experiences.
Location Based Deals
Foursquare and it’s check-ins were certainly one of the digital darlings last year. With 9 million Australians on Facebook, Facebook Places and recently launched Facebook Deals are set to be the most widely used location based service this year. What’s likely to engage customers in 2011 are deals or rewards in exchange for checking in. Brands can layer location based rewards with existing loyalty programs and consider how to reward customers for checking in with time/location based deals.
Tactile and rich in media
If you own or have played with an iPhone, iPad or Kindle you’ll agree it’s a tactile experience. You navigate through content by stroking, pinching and tapping. Customers expect brands to design tactile tablet experiences. Brands need to design tablet experiences with the tactile experience in mind.
Customers want to play with ads on their iPads. Last year Neilson reported 39% of iPad owners consider ads on their devices as “new and interesting” and 35% saying they actually enjoyed viewing ads (especially multimedia ads). After viewing an ad they are also more likely to make a purchase. Brands should experiment with targetted iPad ads using multi-media and the tactile functionality.
Some examples...
Jimmy Choo Treasure Hunt
Safeway/Pepsico Loyalty Program