Tuesday, January 24, 2012

User Generated Content

To promote Axe's new woman's fragrance they are creating a graphic novel on youtube thanks to partnerships from Aspen comics and Razorfish digital agency. One of the great things about this campaign is the involvement they are getting from their visitors. People going to the youtube channel are able to help make choices on Characters, storyline and plot by either voting in polls or leaving feedback. All this information is collected by the story writers and then each day new panels are added to the novel.


  1. Very, very cool idea if the artists can pull it off seamlessly.

    I wonder if it appeals more to a male audience though? As a female who like comics, it's more the style that doesn't say 'women's fragrance' to me than the actual comic itself.

  2. yeah I tend to agree, particularly for such a 'male' brand, they may have needed to go really girly (in a humorous way....) to reach out to women as given the last 5 years or so they'd see Lynx and say 'this just isn't for me'.

